Help!! I'm new to church.
Throughout the year we always have someone who’s ‘dipping their toe in the water’ to see what church is all about.
Here are answers to some practical questions you might be wondering about our services...
Will everyone stare at me because I’m new?
There are new people coming all the time, so don’t worry about standing out from the crowd.
Do I have to wear special clothes?
People come in their normal clothes - for some that’s shorts and a T-shirt, for one or two others that means a tie. We’re not bothered.
Will I feel embarrassed if my kids make a noise?
Our service has quite a lot of lively children, which is one reason we like it! They have their own special Sunday School Church group.
What if I don’t know the right words, and don’t know the hymns?
You don’t have to sing if you don’t want to, don't worry - even the most devoted Christians don't always feel like singing. And there are no words to learn.
I don’t know much about the Bible, so will I know what’s going on?
Every Eucharist service includes a sermon on the Bible. We aim for them to be clear, compelling and relevant to our lives, and to explain things so that everyone can understand.
Will I get pounced on, or will everyone ignore me?
We’ll try to welcome you in the way that suits you! And we serve refreshments after a service and even sometimes some nice things to eat.
Do I need to make a donation?
There is a plate for regular church members to give their donations, you may make a donation if you want to, but you are not expected to give anything.
Is it okay to come if I don't believe a word of it?
Absolutely. Come along just to see what it's like; you will not be forced to say things you don't mean or making any commitment you're not ready for. If you want to discuss the faith in more depth, speak to someone after the service.
What is Communion?
Every service on a Sunday includes "Holy Communion". The bread and wine are symbols to remind us of God's incredible love and care for us, shown in the life and death of his son Jesus. You are welcome to take part if you are a confirmed Christian from any church. Otherwise feel free to watch, or to come forward for a prayer of blessing instead of the bread and wine.