Please feel free to make a donation via PayPal to our churches general running by clicking the button below. If you are a tax payer and would like to gift aid your donation please leave your address in the comments box when making the donation.
Giving to the church.
People think that giving to the Church is all about giving money. It is, but it is also about giving the God given talents you can offer to the Church.
The Church need volunteers with lots of different talents to help with the many activities and jobs that need to be done to keep the Church running smoothly and to fulfil the mission of the Church.
The Church does also need money to maintain the Church buildings, pay staffing costs, support the work of the Diocese, plus every day bills like the electricity and so on and so on.
If you would like to offer your gifts and talents then you need to speak to the vicar or one of the churchwardens to talk through what exactly God is calling you to do in his Church
If you would like to give money then are a number of ways you can do that:
by monthly direct debit – this is an easy way to give and the Church can budget knowing regular income will be coming in.
by weekly envelopes – some people prefer to give in Church and place something on the plate. The weekly scheme does help the Church to budget. If you want to become involved in this scheme please contact the Margaret Sharples
by placing money on the plate in Church. This does help to support the Church's mission
Gift Aid.
If you pay tax then it is possible for the Church to claim the tax on the money you give, this is called gift aid. You will need to fill in a form, please contact Margaret for further details. By doing this, whatever you give, 28% more can be claimed back from the Government. Gift Aid can only be done for money given in the envelope scheme or by Standing Order. It is not possible to Gift Aid loose money.
Legacies and one off gifts.
Please contact the churchwardens and they will be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.
Easy Fundraising.
If you shop online click here to see how you can raise money for the church at no extra cost to you.
For more information on giving to the church please contact Margaret Sharples.